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Light-Cone Gauge

作者:廣陸數(shù)測 發(fā)布日期:2013-12-19


Explicit construction of the light-cone gauge quantum theory of bosonic strings in 1+1 spacetime dimensions reveals unexpected structures. One is the existence of a gauge choice that gives a free action at the price of propagating ghosts and a nontrivial BRST charge. Fixing this gauge leaves a U(1) Kac-Moody algebra of residual symmetry, generated by a conformal tensor of rank two and a conformal scalar. Another is that the BRST charge made from these currents is nilpotent when the action includes a linear dilaton background, independent of the particular value of the dilaton gradient. Spacetime Lorentz invariance in this theory is still elusive, however, because of the linear dilaton background and the nature of the gauge symmetries.

下一篇:Measuring instrument
上一篇:How to Use a Goniometer

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